
3D Printing: More Than a Toy

While checking on the news for one of the stocks I hold in my Consumer Seminar's stock market game, I came across breaking news that 3D Systems (the company I hold imaginary stock in), is partnering with Hershey's to make a chocolate printer.  Yes, you read that correctly.  A machine that will print chocolate.

For those of you that don't know what 3D printers are, here is the basic idea.  They are the latest in printer technology, and they are the same as regular printers in that they're hooked up to a computer.  But instead of printing paper, these printers print three-dimensional objects.  So theoretically, you could design a toy on your computer and have it printed right in front of you.

This new technology also has major commercial applications.  Imagine buying those pair shoes you want so bad online, and instead of having to wait for it to be shipped to you, it is printed right in front of your eyes.  This completely eliminates the factory and any shipping that takes place.  If this technology theoretically became as prevalent as regular printers, the world's economy would see an incredibly drastic shift with the elimination of shipping companies and assembly factories.  Obviously this scenario is extreme, unlikely, and very far away if it would happen, but it illustrates just how big of an impact these printers could have.

Do you think these printers will become as popular as 3D printers?  What problems do you see in the future for 3D printers?  Would you buy a 3D Printer?

1 comment:

  1. Chocolate?! sign me up! Haha but seriously, nice post David. I did a presentation on 3D printing 8th grade based on the work of Anthony Atala who is a scientist that is successfully PRINTING ORGANS and implanting them into patients bodies. Atala has grown ears, noses, fingers, kidneys, and even a human heart! This science is actually moving very quickly, and I wouldn't be surprised if we started to see mainstream 3D printers in the next 5-10 years.

    Heres a link to Atalas Ted Talk if you wanna check it out:
